Business Info

These first few questions are just about the business (location, type, when founded, etc)

Corporate / Legal Name
Please specify an answer
Street Address
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer

When was your business founded?

Please select a date.
Federal Tax ID / EIN
Please specify an answer

Is your DBA (Doing Business As) information same as corporate?

Street Address
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer

Where do you prefer to receive mail for your business?

These next questions are about your business location(s)

Number of Location(s), if any

Building Type

Building Ownership

Building Zoning

Building Size

The next question is about how can customers contact you,  from their bank or card statement

Customer Service Email
Please specify an answer

These questions are about who owns the business. They also verify identity and ownership percentage.

First Name
Please specify an answer
Middle Name
Please specify an answer
Last Name
Please specify an answer
Social Security Number
Please specify an answer
Please select a date.
Drivers License Number
Please specify an answer
Please select a date.

Owners Home Address and Contact Info

Street Address
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Ownership Percentage
Please specify an answer
Please explain reason for bankruptcy (business or personal)
Please specify an answer

These questions are about where you want money deposited, how you take payments, how much you sell and what you sell

Where should we deposit your funds?

Bank Routing Number
Please specify an answer
Bank Account Number
Please specify an answer

Do you currently take credit card payments?

Who's your current processor?

Who's your merchant account provider?

Please specify an answer

Please tell us a bit about your sales numbers

What's your average monthly volume?
Please specify an answer
What's your highest priced product?
Please specify an answer
What's your average sale amount?
Please specify an answer

Please describe your product or service

Please specify an answer

Which payments would you like to accept?

How do you currently take payments?

Estimate the percentage of each type of payment taken. All three boxes MUST EQUAL 100%

Note: In-person payments are ONLY if you have a device where a customer can swipe, dip or tap a payment

Note: eCommerce/Internet sales is only 100% if you NEVER take any payment over the phone or through sending a link to a payment form/invoice

In-person (Card-present)
Please specify an answer
Mail/Phone (Card-not present)
Please specify an answer
Internet/eCommerce (Card-not present)
Please specify an answer

Do any of your products/services require your customers to login to receive and/or access their products/services?

What is the login URL?

Please specify an answer

Do you have your customers/clients sign agreements/contracts?

Please upload a sample copy of your agreement/contract

Drop your sample agreement/contract here or click
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf
If your agreement/contract is on your website please provide the URL here instead
Please specify an answer

Do you have a website?

What is the URL?

Please specify an answer

Do website show pricing?

What is the URL?

Please specify an answer

Once someone buys from you how soon do they get their product or service?

Please describe your refund and return policy

Please specify an answer

What equipment or software do you use to process card payments?

How do you maintain inventory?

3rd party fulfillment contract

Please upload your 3rd party fulfillment contract here
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf

Are there any other companies involved in shipping or fulfilling product/service (i.e. fulfillment center)?

Do you offer recurring and time-extended services (subscriptions, memberships, recurring plans, etc.)?

Recurring payment description

Please specify an answer

Customer profile

Who are your customers? Estimate the percentage of the types of customers you service. All three boxes MUST EQUAL 100%. A box can have 0 if the other boxes equal 100%.

Individual Consumers
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer

Customer location profile

Where are your customers? Estimate the percentage of the location of your customers. All three boxes MUST EQUAL 100%. A box can have 0 if the other boxes equal 100%.

Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer

How long after charging the customer is the product delivered or does the service being?

Please specify an answer

How long after the time of order does the cardholder receive the product or service?

Please specify an answer

Is the cardholder charged at:

Do You Have A Retail Location (For Moto/Internet Merchants)? If Yes, Please Confirm Physical Address

Please specify an answer

How do you advertise (internet, magazines, tv, etc)? List all that apply

Please specify an answer

Is your business seasonal?

Which months do you operate?

Have you (your business or any principal ever been terminated from accepting bank cards?

Please explain terminated reason

Please specify an answer

These next questions are about ACH transactions (even if you've never accepted ACH before).

Bank Routing Number
Please specify an answer
Bank Account Number
Please specify an answer
Number of monthly ACH Transactions?
Please specify an answer
Average monthly ACH sales volume?
Please specify an answer
Average ACH sale amount?
Please specify an answer
Maximum ACH transaction amount?
Please specify an answer

Do you need to issue credits?

Please explain the reason to issue credits (i.e. "if someone pays by ach I would issue a refund by credit through ach)?

Please specify an answer

ACH Transaction Types

This section is about the types of ACH transactions you'd accept as a business. Even if you've never accepted ACH before. 

All 4 boxes must equal 100%. 

Estimate the types of transactions you'd take for ACH. For example if you had both businesses and individuals as customers you'd have a percentage in both CCD and PPD. And if you took sales over the phone or online you'd have percentages for both TEL and WEB as well. 
Written Authorization - Corporate (CCD)
Please specify an answer
Written Authorization - Personal (PPD)
Please specify an answer
Telephone Authorization - Personal (TEL)
Please specify an answer
Internet-Initiated Authorization - Personal (WEB)
Please specify an answer

Do you currently accept and process e-check / ACH transactions?

Who is the processor?

Please specify an answer

Has a bank or third party processor ever terminated ACH processing with you?

Please explain why a 3rd party processor terminated you before

Please specify an answer

Customer profile

Who are your customers? Estimate the percentage of the types of customers you service. All three boxes MUST EQUAL 100%

Individual Consumers
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer

Customer location profile

Where are your customers? Estimate the percentage of the location of your customers. All three boxes MUST EQUAL 100%

Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer

How long after the time of order does the cardholder receive the product or service?

Please specify an answer

Is the cardholder charged at:

Please describe your refund and return policy

Please specify an answer

Do you offer recurring and time-extended services (subscriptions, memberships, recurring plans, etc.)?

Recurring payment description
Please specify an answer

Document Upload

Required Supporting Documentation

Please upload a copy of your EIN / SS4 letter here
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf
Please upload a picture of your drivers license here
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf

Note: The voided check / bank letter and bank statements uploaded below must match one another, e.g. be from same account.

Please upload a voided check or bank letter here for this bank account
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf
Please upload 3 months most recent bank statements for this bank account (PDF only) here
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf

Note: If uploading Stripe processing statements they MUST BE the Balance Summary Page in PDF format. See this video on how to get the Balance Summary Page:

Please upload 3 months of your most recent processing statements
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf

That's it, you did it!

Of course if you're missing anything we'll let you know!


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